Ink concentration control points (2)

• Monitor the temperature change and adjust the viscosity accordingly. In this way, the actual viscosity control device becomes the color depth control device. The control device can be a combination of ink cooler/heater to maintain the exact same temperature, especially in very hot environments (eg above 95°F);

● can accurately measure the viscosity;

● It has nothing to do with the amount of ink on the ink fountain during operation;

● Use a sealed circuit to prevent solvent evaporation;

● It can quickly and easily exchange the ink on the printing unit;

● No ink deposit on the control device;

● Operational environment safety;

● Little or no maintenance required;

● Automatic cleaning of the device itself at the end of printing;

● Easy to operate, not easy to malfunction;

● It can be used with pH control device. There are still more advanced systems on the market that are controlled by electronic computers. They not only control the color density of the ink, but also control the pH (for aqueous inks), while also providing ink on the screen or on paper. The subtle changes and the various steps that the system maintains the ink color concentration at an optimal level. Using automatic ink color density control and temperature-compensated viscosity control, consistent print quality can be achieved, ink savings, waste reduction, time savings and improved production. Therefore, in order to achieve the above-mentioned goal, the printing factory should implement the control of the ink color concentration, and the best way is to install a proper automatic ink color concentration control system or a viscosity control device of the ink temperature adjustment system.

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