Application (Patent) No. CN200420090144.2 Filing date: 2004.09.16 Title: A battery packaging film with laser holographic anti-counterfeiting publication (announcement) No.: CN2747186 Date of publication (notification): 2005.12.21 Main classification code: B65D85/ 88 Division Original Application No.: Class No.: B65D85/88; B65D65/40 Award Date: Priority: Application (patent) Person: Shanghai Fudan Tianchen New Technology Co., Ltd. Address: 200437 Shanghai Wulu Building, No. 98, Kuang Road, Shanghai 15th floor invention (design) person: Xu Liangheng; Song Lijun; Dong Lanxin; Yang Kai International Application: International Announcement: Entry into the country Date: Patent agency: Shanghai Zhengdan Patent Agent Co., Ltd. Agent: Lu Fei Shen Yun Abstract This utility model is a kind of Laser holographic anti-counterfeiting battery packaging film. A holographic cured layer is applied to the heat shrink skin. After the holographic molding and curing layer is a reflective layer, an adhesive layer, a heat shrinkable bottom layer, an adhesive layer and a release layer. The holographic solidified layer can also be on the heat shrinkable substrate. The heat-shrinkable surface layer and the heat-shrinkable bottom layer can be made of heat-shrinkable materials such as PVC, PET, and POF. The utility model is divided into ordinary holographic type and transparent holographic type according to the different materials of the reflective layer. The cold press curing method directly presses and forms a hologram on a material that is not temperature-resistant, and the whole process is fast, without destroying the structure of the original battery packaging film, and the production efficiency is high. During the thermal shrinkage process, the holographic layer will be protected by the outer film and maintain the original holographic effect. The utility model increases the strong anti-counterfeiting function while not changing the battery production and packaging technology and the basic appearance of the battery package. Sovereignty Item 1. A battery packaging film with laser holographic anti-counterfeiting, which is characterized by a heat shrinkable surface layer, a reflective layer, a heat shrinkable bottom layer, an adhesive layer, a release layer, and a holographic solidified layer, wherein the holographic molding cures. The layer is coated on a heat-shrinkable surface layer or a heat-shrinkable substrate layer, and the reflective layer is plated on the holographic-molded and cured layer, and there is an adhesive layer between the heat-shrinkable surface layer and the heat-shrinkable substrate layer and the heat-shrinkable substrate layer and the release layer, respectively.
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